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New website for leading Bioengineering firm Terraqua

New website for leading Bioengineering supplier Terraqua
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Apple – One more thing. Nov 10th event

What to expect? Invites were sent last week for the next Apple event titled “One more thing” scheduled for November 10 at 6PM…
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Apple event tonight

Apple to host a special event tonight at 6 UK time - 10 AM PST. Time Flies is the event name. The event…
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Apple at $2T. Compare to FTSE 100

Apple stock has been on a roll ever since the last earning report issued June 27th that clearly showed that Apple products and…
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Microsoft says farewell to Internet Explorer 11 and Windows 10 sunsets Microsoft Edge Legacy

At long last Microsoft are putting IE and older versions of Edge to bed - at long last. Published on the Microsoft Tech…
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Apple wins EU court battle over Irish tax bill of $15 billion

Technology giant Apple (AAPL) has won its court battle with the EU over a disputed €13 billion ($15 billion) tax bill. Apple won a key…
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